We Can Help!


FDAImports.com is uniquely suited to integrating the new Food Safety requirements with Customs regulations and current (and evolving) FDA requirements, such as FDA Import Alerts, FDA import detention and import refusal processes, and FDA import procedures and policy.

Introducing FDAiVerify.com

Through our partnership with 3iVerify, a cloud-based compliance solution, you can now look to make your FSVP development, documentation and inspection process faster, more reliable, more accessible and more secure.FDAiVerify brings you complete confidence with one, secure, online location to view all your suppliers’ current certifications whenever you need them. And confidence that the verification program you have for your food, food ingredient or dietary ingredient suppliers will satisfy FDA during an FSVP inspection.

Because food and beverage importers and foreign suppliers are often unrelated parties, we assist them in designing agreements that provide the necessary transparency to comply with the new imported food safety provisions without exposing proprietary information.

We can help Importers:

  1. Determine which of their products will be covered by FSVP, and the scope of any potential exemptions
  2. Develop adequate FSVP systems that serve to verify their foreign suppliers’ compliance with applicable food safety requirements
  3. Adequately document their verification processes, as required by FSVP
  4. Comply with FSVP’s record-keeping requirements, through our cloud-based solution, FDAiVerify.com
  5. Be prepared for FDA inspections of your FSVP plan. Read here about FDA’s plans for FSVP inspections and enforcement activities.

We can help Foreign Suppliers:

  1. Respond to and minimize over-reaching compliance demands from their U.S. Importing customers
  2. Determine which of their products will be covered by HARPC and Standards for Produce Safety, and which facilities may enjoy exemptions
  3. Review and reinforce food safety programs
  4. Adequately document their food safety programs, as required by HARPC and other food safety requirements
  5. Comply with applicable food safety record-keeping requirements

Why wait and risk loss of sales due to non-compliance? Contact us today for a free analysis of which of our regulatory tools are best for you!